Our Get Growing 2 service supports local businesses that are ready to grow again. It is fully funded through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and offers a package of tailored support to businesses, helping them to become more profitable, competitive and grow.
To be eligible for this support you must:
Eligible businesses are supported by an experienced Growth Account Manager. They will work closely together reviewing all aspects of the business, looking at the challenges and opportunities that exist to produce a realistic growth plan for the business. Areas where additional support will benefit the business are also identified, as well as providing access to all the benefits the our website has to offer, including on-demand videos and live webinars.
We work with a wealth of professional organisations and business support services, both locally and nationally, to provide relevant, up-to-date business advice. The Growth Account Manager will also help businesses to navigate their way to any additional support, enabling the business to focus on what really matters - getting back on track for growth.
How can I find out more and express an interest in the Get Growing 2 service?
For more information, please email enquiries@hertsgrowthhub.com
Please note: Eligibility criteria and T&Cs apply.