Support is available

Support for your business

Explore the support available to help boost your business resilience, navigate challenges and identify opportunities.

Support your workforce

Information and guidance on how you can support your workforce with the rising cost of living.
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We're here to help

Call us

Our friendly Business Information Advisors can help you navigate all the support available for your business. You can also email us online and request a call back.

Join an event

Browse local events which cover a range of themes such as recruitment, marketing and skills, to help boost your business resilience.
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Other resources

Tips and tools

Find out how you can ensure your business is running as efficiently as it can, from cash flow to retaining talent.

Cost of Living Business Survey Results

The impact of rising energy costs and inflation on Hertfordshire businesses

Guidance from your local authority

Access guidance from the local authority areas that you or your employees live in.
To access this content, please login or register.
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